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A consultant without routine, discover the career of François Meynier, kedger at Sopra Steria Next

Digital transformation and exciting missions: François Meynier's career at Sopra Steria Next

A career that makes all the difference

François Meynier, a graduate of Kedge Business School's MSc Digital Marketing & Sales, has followed an exemplary path in digital marketing. After completing his baccalauréat ES, he joined the Kedge Bachelor program in Marseille, where he specialized in digital marketing, particularly SEO, during his internship with an agency. After working as a freelance consultant, he continued with a Master of Science before joining Sopra Steria Next in 2022 as a digital transformation consultant.

A wide range of enriching experiences

François has worked in sectors as diverse as agri-food and the public sector, where he has developed skills in project management and digital transformation.

These experiences have given him a better understanding of the needs of companies and public authorities.

"These assignments enabled me to strengthen my technical and interpersonal skills, while giving me a broader view of customer issues."

The job of digital consultant: varied and stimulating

Today, François supports customers in their digital transformation. As Scrum Master for a major logistics player, he manages the company's Cloud platform and supports the transition to new technologies. He also works on CSR issues, such as measuring CO2 emissions, providing concrete solutions to his customers' challenges.

"The variety of assignments and the opportunity to innovate with each customer are what motivate me on a daily basis."

Kedge: a springboard for the digital world

For François, Kedge was a catalyst for his success. The school's hands-on approach, combined with a strong digital culture, prepared him perfectly for his career.

"Kedge enabled me to acquire solid technical skills and learn by doing, which is a valuable asset in the digital world."

Now a trainer at Kedge, François shares his experience with students, preparing them for the realities of the professional world and offering practical advice for their future. François Meynier's career is a shining example of success in the digital world, and he continues to inspire future generations with his expertise and passion.

Advice for future digital professionals: be daring!

François encourages future graduates to dare to take the plunge into digital, a dynamic and exciting sector. In his view, programs like the MSc Digital Marketing & Sales provide an excellent foundation for a successful career.

"Digital is a constantly evolving field. Don't be afraid to get out there and try out new ideas."

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