Searching for a job differently: winning strategies and...

This start-up launched by a Kedger has been showered with awards!
Sophie Engster, Cofounder and Director General of Chamberlan, is the new of the 2018-2019 KEDGE class of Chinese students
Sophie Engster, Cofounder and President of Chamberlan has succeeded Jean-Baptiste van Elslande, President of Fromarsac. The succession ceremony took place on the 14th of November at the KEDGE Bordeaux campus. A KEDGE graduate and very engaged in the life of the school that trained her, Sophie Engster regularly shares her experience through mentoring of and the occupational integration of students and young entrepreneurs.
Chamberlan and Sophie Engster have received numerous awards
- Le Grand Prix Innovation & Tradition (Innover à la campagne 2018) (Innovation in the country - 2018)
- (Prix de l'éco Néo Aquitains 2018) (Winner of the Start-up category of eco Neo Aquitaine award – 2018)
- Prix du Public (Prix de l'éco Néo Aquitains 2018) (Winner of the Public up category of eco Neo Aquitaine award – 2018)
- Trophée Femme Digitale (Trophée Les Femmes de l'Economie 2018 (Women in Digital Trophy winner – Women of the Economy 2018 Trophy)
- Trophée Jeune Pousse (Les Trophées PME Bougeons-Nous 2017 organisé par Jean Jacques Bourdin - RMC) (Rising Star Trophy , PME Let’s Move Trophy – 2017 organised by Jean Jacques Bourdin)
“Chamberlan is a young company that specialises in custom-made shoes. Foot measurements can be taken anywhere in the world via our dedicated smartphone app. It has been our ambition from the very beginning to pierce the international market and naturally we wanted to turn to the Chinese market as it is a young, growing market that will be the top luxury market in 2024. We conducted our first tests in China this year, which were promising, and are considering distributing Chamberlan in several Chinese cities from 2019,” says Sophie Engster. "Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I will mentor the Chinese IFC students at KEDGE, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to have dialogue regarding the development of Chamberlan in China. We will thus entrust two concrete assignments to 3rd year students and we will be glad to have a 5th year trainee continue his work within our company and begin relationships with the Chinese partners with whom we plan to collaborate. "
As part of their curriculum that provides for two years of study in France, in the third and fifth years, KEDGE Chinese students will carry out assignments on behalf of companies that are based in France and whose activities focus on the Chinese market. Highly prized by companies to deal with issues in marketing, supply chain, and commercial development, these activities, which are conducted in groups, will begin in January for a period of 5 months.
"For KEDGE, it is fortunate to count her among its community of graduates - successful entrepreneurs who are willing to support the training of both French and foreign students," says José Milano, Director General of KEDGE. "For the first year as a sponsor, she will provide advice and share her experience as a major international entrepreneur in the luxury goods sector to our Chinese students who have come from our Franco-Chinese Institute in Suzhou. Her investment in this project, like that of many leaders of large companies with national and international influence located in our territory, guarantees the quality of the work of these Chinese students."
(See this publication on Instagram Shoot in Printemps Haussmann - Montmartre in satin of soie rose . . . #chamberlanofficial #printempshaussmann #mariage #chaussuredemariage #robedemariage #weddingshoes #weddingdress #Rose #surmesure #luxuryshoes #customshoes #madeinfrance Publication shared by Chamberlan (@chamberlan_official) 1 May 2018 at 10:30 PDT)
The aim of the Franco-Chinese Institute is to train trilingual Chinese specialists with high potential in the fields of finance, economics, management, applied foreign languages, and humanities. During the first two years (in China) Chinese students have intensive training in the French language and deepen their English skills so they will be able to continue their 3rd year studies in France.
Companies that would like to offer assignments to Chinese students can contact KEDGE's Corporate Relations Department: Isabelle Blombou, Business Relations Manager Aquitaine.
Tel. 07 88 22 76 31
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