Payment Business Nursery | August 2024
Event for Alumni in Brussels
Kedge Alumni Network's 1st worldwide
Join us for the Kedge Alumni Network's first worldwide « Alumni Leadership evening »
Tuesday, March 28, at 7:15 pm
1st edition on Assertiveness
The workshop will be led by Sylvie Schoen-Schlumberger, a coach with more than 35 years of professional experience in business, human resources, and coaching.
The first edition of this event will be on assertiveness, a key element for a successful career.
- Defining assertiveness
- Reflect on the benefits of being assertive, visualising oneself as assertive and in control of one's professional and personal life
- Understanding the reasons behing a lack of assertiveness, roots and deeply held beliefs
- « How to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk” ? »
- Strategies and actions to implement to act assertive.
This will be an interactive workshop where you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and share your experiences, with the help of Sylvie, who will there to guide you. The workshop takes a bottom-up approach, so that you can make the most of it. It will last around 2 hours.
After the workshop, we invite you all to join us for a "pot-luck". You can all bring something to eat and drink to share with the others.
"We will see on on March 28th at 7:15 pm... be on time, we will start at 7:30 pm at the latest!"
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21, Rue Montoyer
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1 Comment
Randolf DE CAT (EUROMED Diplôme du Programme Ingénieur d'affaires, 2005) 28 March 2017 à 18h03
Bonjour à tous,
Suite à une contrainte familiale, je ne serais pas en mesure de vous joindre ce soir. Je vous pris de m'excuser pour cette notification tardive.
Bien à vous,