Webinar: Living and working in USA, our graduates speak out

Evening for KEDGE graduates in Barcelona
Company visit and dinner between Kedgers in Barcelone
Attention KEDGE ALUMNI in Barcelona!
« La vida es chula ! » - [slogan Desigual]
On the 14th of June, the Managers of our Barcelona Alumni branch have organised exclusively for our graduates a visit by THE top company in Barcelona : DESIGIUAL. While tourists are happy enough with going to the shops of the well-known hippie-inspired brand, our graduates have the chance to discover the company’s global headquarters, located on Paseo Mare Nostrum. This building extends 186 metres (the second longest building in Barcelona), is composed of six floors, has six elevators, and has a terrace with a breathtaking view of Barcelona, including its port and beach.
This guided tour will be led by 2011 graduate Pascale Quiles Paasche, a Retail Analyst with Desigual.
Following this visit, your hosts, Anthony Plasse and Murielle Francillette, propose continuing the evening with a dinner at GALITTO, to take advantage of the terrace and to socialise. Chloé Goujon, 2011 graduate and International Talent Acquisition Consultant with Catenon Worldwide Executive Search will speak on “Recruitment News in Spain and in the World”.
Attention : Places for this cultural, themed, and casual event are limited to 20!
Please confirm your attendance via the link on the right of this page.
Event Organized By
- Email :
- mrpaulbourgeois@hotmail.com
Anais Sanz Ferellec
- Email :
- aferellec@hotmail.fr
About Your Event
Passeig Mare Nostrum, 15
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