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Put all the chances on your side to approach your job search and your entry into the job market with peace of mind.

Job huntingis an intense time, when motivation and enthusiasm can quickly give way to discouragement, questioning and loss of social ties.

Take advantage of this scheme without delay, and put all the chances on your side to tackle and live serenely this key step towards the world of work .

Whether you live in France or abroad, work with one of our professional coaches on :

  • Your application tools ;
  • The recruitment interview;
  • Identifying relevant offers ;
  • Your action plan;
  • And much more...


By registering for the scheme, you will have:
👉 Privileged access to a selection of digital content on the theme of job search
👉 3 hours free coaching with one of our certified coaches
👉 Coaching available in :

You can also register for an optional employment workshop (program to follow).



👉 As an option, you can register for one of our 3 employment workshops:

Dare to apply: Seize the opportunity
that's right for you.

Learn to overcome this feeling of imposture and dare to apply for the job you want.

Thurs. Nov. 21, 6.30 pm to 8 pm

In the shoes of a recruiter: understanding the nuts and bolts of hiring

Discover the different types of recruiters so you can adapt to your interviewer.

Tuesday Jan. 21, 6.30 pm to 8 pm

Stress and career: how to find the right balance?

That's what you'll discover thanks to your coach's practical methods and simple tips.

Tuesday March 25, 6.30 pm to 8 pm


👉 To make it easier for your coach to contact you, please update your personal information on your KEDGE Alumni profile.

👉 Once you have registered, you will be asked to pay a 50€ non-refundable bank transfer. Once deposited, your registration will be validated and your details sent to the coach who will contact you directly. The first appointment must be made within 3 weeks of your registration, and you will have 3 months to finalize the coaching. If these criteria are not met, the coaching hours will be definitively lost and the 50€ deposit cashed. The same applies to any session not cancelled at least 48 hours before the scheduled appointment with your coach.

👉 Registration for the young graduate scheme is non-renewable.

Registration deadline : 31st December 2024

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