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Health and VR Conference - Singularity University Bordeaux

Xavier Abadie, President of the KEDGE Alumni Association and Director of International Development at SimforHealth, will speak at this unique conference in Bordeaux.

Singularity University is organizing its next conference in #Bordeaux on Wednesday May 16 at 7:30pm at Cap Sciences.

The theme chosen for this event is "Health and virtual, augmented and mixed reality".

Join us for a highly participatory conference. The aim of the evening will be to feed your curiosity about the challenges and possibilities of this theme. The evening is open to everyone.

You'll learn about

  • What's at stake in the healthcare sector, and how new virtual reality technologies are influencing it.
  • Learn about the ideation tools used by startups in California (and around the world).
  • Public discussion of the ideas generated during the evening.

If you're an entrepreneur, student, professional, employee or just curious, whatever your level of expertise on these topics, you're welcome!

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Cap Sciences
Quai de Bacalan
33000 Bordeaux

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