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Special conference with Muhammad Yunus, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize

Topic “Bringing Social Business to Your Campus”

KEDGE Business School has the immense pleasure of inviting you to a very special conference

9 October from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Co-hosted by the Working Committee on SSE and Social Innovations (CTESSIS) and the associations Clepsydre and Unis-Terre (United-Earth), on the topic:

“Bringing Social Enterprise to your Campus”



Professor Muhammad Yunus, Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize

 Born in 1940 in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist and entrepreneur. In 1983, driven by the conviction that access to credit is a fundamental human right, he founded Grameen Bank, the first microfinance institution in Bangladesh. In 2006, Professor Yunus and the Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in promoting economic and social development.


This conference will be broadcast live on Kedge Business School Alumni’s and  Kedge Business School’s Facebook page. You can watch it on the go.

Places are also available to alumni on the Marseille campus. To attend this conference, please register via the link below.




This conference is the first step in a partnership with the Centre Yunus Paris that KEDGE hopes will be rich and lasting.

In fact, KEDGE BS plans to create a “Yunus Social Business Centre” whose mission is to train students in social enterprise through offering specialised courses, facilitating internships/jobs, providing support for the creation of personal projects, and making various networks and resources available to students.

KEDGE BS also plans to participate in the creation of the “French Academic Network for a Three Zeros World”, a network of academic institutions committed to promoting Professor Yunus’s ideas among young people - young people who are concerned about the state of the planet, eager for finding meaning, and are holders of the power of technology.

Coordinated by the Yunus Paris Centre, this network aims to develop educational tools, deepen research, and stimulate social enterprises creation, thereby contributing to the growth of the social enterprise international community.

This is a unique opportunity for KEDGE BS to join a global network of more than 78 universities and academic institutions around the world.

This initiative is brought to KEDGE BS by Professor José Carlos Suarez Herrera and the Working Committee on Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovations (CTESSIS). It also relies on the participation of student associations and several departments of KEDGE BS (Pro-act, Career Centre, KEDGE Entrepreneurship, etc.) and Territorial Partner Organisations (TSO).

Our ambition today is to involve those KEDGE BS graduates who work in social and solidarity economy in this project, and to create a real cross-sectoral network for sharing knowledge, ideas, and social innovation projects.

Together we have the means to create an exceptional committed community! 








Do you work in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and are interested in being part of this project? 

Do you know Alumni working in SSE and social entrepreneurship?

Are you part of a social innovation project?

Please share your contacts with us!

It's a pleasure working together!

Photo credit: © Nick Harrison Generic Licence Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.

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About Your Event
KEDGE Marseille (Luminy Campus) - Amphi A
rue Antoine Bourdelle
13009 Marseille

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