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Coaching réseau 2.0

Maximize your hiring opportunities

In the digital age, networking has become essential. When you're looking for a job, every contact is an opportunity.
But how do you develop your relational capital? Where do you start?

During this 3-hour coaching session, your coach Emmanuel JOLY will answer your questions and present the challenges and best practices of networking to boost your employability.


The aim of this coaching is to help you develop your 2.0 network effectively and put it to good use, particularly when looking for a job.

  • Why develop your digital identity? Employability issues
  • How to contact professionals?
  • How to get recommendations? How do I get referrals?
  • How to develop your personal branding?
  • Identify and map your network
  • Define good networking practices


Emmanuel Joly is a coach and trainer specialized in careers and employment, with over 15 years' experience in individual coaching for professionals, students and sportsmen and women in career transition. He also offers training in personal branding and management. Since 2020, he has been a mentor at Linksider, an innovative networking community that connects decision-makers, executives and influencers to create synergies and foster collaboration. He also intervenes very regularly at KEDGE Business School as a professional coach.


👉 To make it easier for your coach to contact you, please update your personal information on your KEDGE Alumni profile.

👉 Accompaniment available in French only



👉 1 additional hour of coaching: €40
👉 2 additional hours of coaching: €75


👉 1h additional coaching: 80€
👉 2h additional coaching: 155€

  • 100 €

    Graduates (price for 3h)
  • 200 €

    Outside (price for 3h)

Registration deadline : 31st December 2024

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