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The Impact of Covid on the Renewable Energy Sector


 Let's meet for a virtual aperitif on Wednesday, 21 October from 6.30 to 8 pm.

The round table discussion is "The Impact of Covid on the Renewable Energy Sector followed by a networking session and exchange of contact information.




6:30 pm: Round table with Engie Green France, Total, and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

WATs4U brings together three speakers to discuss the impact of Covid on the renewable energy sector. Marjorie Brown (Engie Green France), Aurélie Vieillefosse (Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition), and Hélène Durand (Total) will share their views and answer your questions.


 7:14: Alumni Networking

From 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm, stay connected to the virtual aperitif in Alumni networking mode. Participants will be randomly divided into pairs or triples, for a quick introduction and an exchange of contacts, in sessions of 15-minutes. An opportunity to make surprising and rewarding encounters!

 I’m going to the “aperitif-conference” of 21 October

(you will receive a Zoom login link the day of) 

This event will be held over Zoom. Please be sure that you have downloaded it.


WATs4U is a tool shared by some twenty associations of graduates from the prestigious grandes écoles, engineering, and management schools.

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