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Afterwork & discovering independent watchmaking

Join the Kedgers community: exchange experiences and opportunities at this convivial afterwork!

Votre réseau KEDGE Alumni de Genève a le plaisir de vous inviter à un évènement unique dédié à la découverte de l'horlogerie indépendante, offrant une occasion exceptionnelle de rencontrer des créateurs et artisans hors du commun. 


Date : Jeudi 4 juillet
Horaire : 18h30 à 20h30
Lieu : Showroom Luxogood,
Participation : 25 CHF

Evening program :

  • Introducing Independent Watchmaking:
    Meet Watchmakers United by Luxogood, our hosts for the evening. Their mission is to promote independent watchmaking talent to a diverse audience, from the passionate to the simply curious. With this in mind, KEDGE graduate Vincent Vuillaume founded the company last summer and opened the Luxogood showroom in January. Geneva, although one of the cradles of watchmaking, often remains focused on the big brands, without giving any real visibility to the independent scene, which abounds in brilliant designers and craftsmen for all budgets.

  • Meet Two Independent Watchmakers:
    We'll be honored to welcome two independent watchmakers, each with a distinct and inspiring background. They will share with us their stories and their creative approaches.

  • Networking and Cocktail Reception:
    The evening will continue with a networking session and discussions over a cocktail reception, offering the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas with craftsmen and other participants.

Join us in celebrating and supporting independent watchmaking.

To reserve your place, please confirm your attendance by clicking on "I REGISTER".

We look forward to welcoming many of you to this event.

  • 25 €

It remains 9 spots

Registration deadline : 4th July 2024

Registration closed

Event Organized By


    Working in Market Finance, I am responsible for developing and managing portfolios of institutional investors and private clients across Switzerland and the wider international market. Along with Vincent and Lionel, we make sure that the Kedge Business School Alumni club of Geneva keeps discovering and shares what our beautiful city and its surroundings have best to offer!

    Email :
  • Titouan GUERINON
    Email :

About Your Event
Showroom Luxogood
5 Rue Pierre-Fatio
1204 Genève

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