Lyon afterwork at Multivers!

Afterwork à Tokyo
Informal Event for Kedge Alumni in Tokyo
The Tokyo branch was launched on July 6th of this year, thanks to Miléna OSIKA, class of 2013, who is very enthusiastic about bringing together Kedge Alumni in the Japanese capital
Miléna has organised a new meet-up
Wednesday, November 29th, at 7:00 pm
at the Monsoon Café, Ebisu
1F, 2F, MARIX Ebisu Bldg., 4-4-6, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Your first drink is on us
Of course, if you didn't have a chance to meet Miléna in July, this will be the perfect opportunity to come meet her and exchange thoughts on the branch, she will be happy to hear your ideas and suggestions. It will also be a great occasion to meet other Kedge Alumni and, most of all, have a good time!
Event Organized By
Milena OSIKA
- Email :
About Your Event
1F, 2F, MARIX Ebisu Bldg., 4-4-6 - Ebisu
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
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