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KEDGE Alumni Afterwork in Dakar

Meet the General Manager of KEDGE and the Director of BEM Dakar during this convivial evening.

We're delighted to invite you to a convivial afterwork to strengthen our network, share experiences and celebrate joint successes.

📆 Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at XXX

📍 Bar lounge "le côte ouest" at the Terrou-Bi hotel

We will be honored and privileged to welcome Alexandre DE NAVAILLES, Managing Director of KEDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL and Faro SAKHO, Managing Director of BEM Dakar. Their presence will testify to the importance of this event and their commitment to the success of our graduates.

Located on the reception level of the Terrou-Bi hotel, the lounge bar extends onto a magnificent panoramic terrace. The white pergola, bathed in a gentle sea breeze, provides the perfect setting for professional exchanges. The palm trees, at eye level, sway in the breeze, creating an atmosphere conducive to networking between Kedgers.

We invite you to come along in good numbers and share your thoughts and ideas in this warm and relaxed atmosphere. It will also be a unique opportunity to meet other graduates, forge professional and friendly links, and discover the many opportunities offered by our network.

For organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by clicking on the "I REGISTER" button.

We sincerely hope to count you among us on this memorable evening.

  • * Consumption to be paid on site

Registration deadline : 30th July 2024

Registration closed

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About Your Event
Le Côte Ouest bar at the Terrou-Bi hotel
Boulevard Martin Luther King

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