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Meet us at the Halle de la Machine for the next Toulouse afterwork!

Celebrate the arrival of summer with music!

Kedgers from Toulouse and surrounding areas! Whether you're new to the area or have been living here for a while, get together with your fellow kedgers for another afterwork.

To mark the arrival of summer, your hosts Arnaud BEL, Claire DEBORDE and Luc SERRANO-CLASTRES aredelighted to invite you to the Halle de la Machine for an afterwork party and concert! 🎹

Rendezvous 🗓️
Thursday June 9th 2022
Starting at 7pm
At the Minotaure café

The Halle de La Machine is a living space and meeting place, designed as an invitation to travel and encounter unusual and poetic objects, straight out of the Nantes construction workshop. It's home to a singular, monumental creature well known in France: the Minotaur.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Minotaure café. Thisbar-restaurant ,with its terrace and cultural program, is the ideal place to meet up with fellow kedgers 🍻

Don't miss the chance to get together for a drink and discover the Halle de La Machine and its occupants fashioned from wood and steel!


  • * Consumption to be paid on site

Registration deadline : 9th June 2022

Registration closed

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About Your Event
Minotaure Café - La Halle de la Machine
3 Avenue de l'Aérodrome de Montaudran
31400 Toulouse

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