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Casual evening event in Toulouse

Get-togther between Kedgers in Toulouse!

Attention Kedgers of Toulouse and the region!

Our local branch is back in service with a new team of three hosts, Arnaud BEL, Class of 2013, Claire DEBORDE, Class of 2007 and Luc SERRANO, Class of 2010.  The three have taken over for Nicolas BOUTEILLER.


All three invite you to CHEZ ALBERTINE for an enjoyable evening.  Everything there is top notch: products, service, and welcome. That makes it the ideal place to get together with other Kedgers, evoke memories of your school years, and discuss your expectations, wishes, and suggestions with your local branch...

Your hosts have negotated a special rate for this occasion: 25€ for a selection of tapas and Aveyronnaise charcuterie, and pitchers of beer and wine. For Kedgers, the network will participate financially at this time.

Don't miss the chance to enjoy this moment that promises to be a good time!

  • 15 €

    members; non-members
  • 25 €


Registration deadline : 2nd December 2019

Registration closed

Event Organized By

About Your Event
3 Rue du pont Guilhemery


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Florine CODEVELLE (KEDGE BS PGE - Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2018) 03 December 2019 à 12h55

Veuillez m?excuser mais je ne pourrai finalement pas être présente ce soir.
J?espère sincèrement que cette occasion de tous vous rencontrer se représentera.
Très bonne soirée à tous !

Grégory BLANC (KEDGE BS Global MBA , 2016) 03 December 2019 à 18h02

Petit contretemps je ne pourrais pas être présent finalement ce soir. Bonne soirée à tous !