Mystery wine session
Improve your emotional intelligence to improve your communication skills
Manage your emotions to respond better, rediscover other's emotions to better interact.
Pedagogical objectives of the training programme:
- Rediscover the benefits of emotions to cultivate awareness of oneself and situations.
- Manage your emotions to improve your self-confidence, decide, express yourself, and act wisely.
- Use your emotional intelligence to optimise your relationship skills and boost team work.
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is a concept that was invented in 1990 by the psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer, and which refers to the capacity to recognise, understand, and master your own emotions as well as handle the emotions of others. The concept was made popular by Daniel Goleman in 1995. Tests were developed to study and validate the concept; numerous studies show that emotional intelligence is linked to certain social performances and professional success among adults.
Practical Modalities
Group of 6 people.
The session aims to respond to the following questions:
1- What are the components of emotional intelligence?
2- What is D. Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence?
3- How to identify and channel your emotions?
4- How to communicate in a constructive way?
5- How to handle the emotions of others, without losing yourself?
Practical tools, exchanges and sharing to revisit concrete solutions.
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1 Comment
Sophie MARTEL (KEDGE BS Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2019) 25 September 2018 à 03h31